my cup overflows

Join me for ANOINTED!
ANOINTED is sacred feminine priestess tradition blended with early Christ following rituals, under the full moon each month. Stand at the threshold of a new yet ancient kind of sacred gathering, where two words are seamlessly blended together. Gather for nourishing and empowering rituals, embodied meditation & ceremony under the wisdom of the full moon.
Each gathering is held over ZOOM and in sacred ceremony, ritual and embodied spiritual practice, not lecture. I invite you to create sacred space and a mini-retreat at home as you show up fully for each of these 50 minute sessions. The next ones are:
April 23 - Sacred Pleasure
each ritual will be held at 5pm Eastern/ 4pm Central/ 3pm Mountain/ 2pm Pacific for 50 minutes and a ZOOM recording will be sent to all participants.
Sign up hereWho is this for?
My work stems from Divine Feminine nature honoring wisdom intertwined with the Christ path, bringing ancient ritual alive to nourish the modern woman / human being. Think experimental early Jesus following movement before Christianity was formed, plus full moon gatherings. Think the faith of your grandmother plus the rhythms of nature and the moon that have guided sacred gatherings since the beginning of humanity.
ANOINTED is right for you :
If you love soaking in the beauty of the full moon...
If you know there has to be more magic to life...
If you long for time set apart with your own soul...
If your life is super demanding, but you can probably steal away for 50 minutes a month for refreshment and renewal...
If you have or long for a felt presence of the divine in your body, your soul and the earth...
If you are a person of faith or no faith at all...
If you are deeply Christian OR spiritual but not religious...
If you are inspired the faith of your grandmothers but often don't connect with the way Christianity is lived out today...
If you desire community of wise, playful, justice-seeking spiritual beings...
If you are a wild, embodied, nature-loving, spiritual person longing for spiritual path that feels authentic to you...
Although my work is geared towards women and stems from my experience as a cis-femme, ANOINTED is inclusive of trans* women & men, male bodied people especially those who are gender-queer, non-binary and gender expansive beings, people of all sexual orientations are welcome and celebrated...
Jesus was given was the name of the anointed one...
... in ancient Greek...the glowing one, drenched in light, covered in oil, dripping with divine love.
I'd love to help remind you that YOU are ANOINTED, through these sacre-feminine full moon gatherings + the Christ centered faith of your grandmothers
Join Me!Learn new and ancient rituals from the Christ following tradition blended with the Sacred Feminine cyclical nature of creation through monthly full moon sacred gatherings.
Life can be rote, painful and stressful. Daily demands keep us from living into our divine birth-right of knowing ourselves and all beings as sacred. The patriarchy, sexism, racism and so many forms of oppression value some ways of being over others, in a way that keeps ALL people from truly claiming the divine within.
- Touch the presence of the Divine within your own body and soul.
- Gather with the power and beauty of the full moon each month.
- Create sacred space to listen for your own Soul.
- Connect with your body through embodied ritual.
- Connect with your faith in a brand new way.
- Learn about Sacred Feminine moon cycles and Celtic Christian tradition.
Give yourself this gift of sacred gathering, a deep breath of renewal and sacred space in the midst of your precious life.

January 26
Under the Wolf Moon we honored our sacred embodiment & wildness and engaged in the ritual of anointing, becoming shining, stepping into the path of Christos or Anointed.

February 24
Under the Snow Moon we engaged in rituals of protection, safety within the earth, honoring the Celtic holiday of Imbolc, the seed within with a ritual of veiling.

March 25 & April 23
Coming up... unleash your sacred purpose through a ritual of discernment under March's Worm Moon and in April tune in to sacred pleasure and new life under the Pink Moon.
Full Moon Rituals that are Christ inspired
Why Christ inspired? I believe the Christ path is not (only) about worshipping Jesus as the one and only divine child, but allowing the Christ presence to awaken in EACH of us and within all creation, to know we are EACH are ANOINTED, along with all of the material world we are glowing with God, drenched in light, covered in oil, dripping with divine love...
We will call on the Goddess under the full moon while performing holy rituals from the Christ path, the way of the anointed one.
Opposite of making your grandmother roll over in her grave- she'd be over the moon that we are finally getting it right!

I am so glad you are are here! Whether we have known each other for years or have just met, I'd love to invite you into this sacred space of ANOINTED full moon gatherings.
I want to remind you that you are always surrounded by and glowing with divine love. I want to empower you to connect with the divine life-force flowing through your body and life, create sacred space to listen for your soul's vision and help you become the most refreshed, peaceful, wild and free version of yourself you can be all while connecting you to a community of spiritual seekers.
I am a mama & partner & I serve full-time as the senior pastor of a local church in Madison, Wisconsin and previously in Middletown, CT. I’ve been an ordained pastor for the last 10 years, and now I have taken the leap to create my own soul offerings beyond the church, as my time and capacity permit. I stand at the convergence of sacred feminine spiritual practice & earth honoring justice-seeking Christianity.
"In one hour of a virtual retreat, I felt like I was transported into deeply sacred space. Turns out, it was the terrain of my own soul. I felt like I encountered a deep well of wisdom that I didn't know could be accessed so quickly and in a virtual Zoom space. As a spiritual leader, I've been present to many styles of retreat leadership. This was truly exceptional."
"Julia is a wildly gifted leader and welcomed me into new wisdom and ritual I know I will be able to return to again and again as I need to draw from it."