$47.00 USD

Coming this Fall! Early-bird prices for BAPTIZE: The Virtual Retreat Sept 13th-18th 2024. Learn the ancient art of self-baptism practiced by women of the early Christ movements. Renew yourselves with the waters of the earth and the rhythms of the cosmos. With story telling, sacred ceremony, guided meditation and a self-guided self-baptism in the wild waters near you, prepare for yourself to be refreshed and renew to your true essence: the voice of your soul and Divine Love within and beyond you.

ANOINTED: 1 Month of Full Moon Sacred Gatherings & Ancient Christ-Inspired Rituals

Join for 'Anointed,' 4 months of Divine Feminine Full Moon rituals inspired by early Christian and Christ following communities blended with sacred feminine wisdom. Stand at the threshold of a new yet ancient kind of Sacred Feminine Christ inspired community. Gather for nourishing and empowering rituals under the full moon of the winter and early spring months.

Jan 26- Wolf Moon- Anointing

Feb 24 - Snow Moon - Veiling 

March 25 - Worm Moon - Sacred Purpose

April 23 - Pink Moon - Sacred Pleasure

Each gathering is held over ZOOM and in sacred ceremony, meaning this is ritual and embodiment, not lecture. I invite you to create sacred space and show up fully for each of these sacred sessions.